What an awesome promise we find in this verse of scripture.  But we also find an awesome responsibility on our part.  First God is talking only to those who have accepted Jesus as Lord, and now are called "Christians".  He says we must humble ourselves.  Here are some of the definitions listed in the dictionary for the word Humble.  Low in position, not important, modest in spirit, not proud and deeply respectful.  Another dictionary said showing awareness of one's shortcomings.  As we study what being humble really means we see that it is a change in lifestyle.  We must change, we must pray, we must turn from anything that is not Christlike, and only then will God be able to do His part and HEAL OUR LAND.

We must HUMBLE ourselves.  2 Chronicles 7:14.
"If my people who are called by MY NAME will HUMBLE themselves, and pray, and seek MY FACE, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land".  2  Chronicles 7:14.

What an awesome promise we find in this verse of scripture.  But we also find an awesome responsibility on our part.  First God is talking only to those who have accepted Jesus as Lord, and now are called "Christians".  He says we must humble ourselves.  Here are some of the definitions listed in the dictionary for the word Humble.  Low in position, not important, modest in spirit, not proud and deeply respectful.  Another dictionary said showing awareness of one's shortcomings.  As we study what being humble really means we see that it is a change in lifestyle.  We must change, we must pray, we must turn from anything that is not Christlike, and only then will God be able to do His part and HEAL OUR LAND.